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We all die. We just do. But every once in a while you and I are lucky enough to say to ourselves, hey, that persons death really got to me. That one hurt. R.I.P Tamid Malan.

Writer's picture: Bret MartinBret Martin

I often times tell the story to our new classes about how I got started in this industry.

It was at a Block Buster video store.

I was in the parking lot and I noticed this 1990's Mustang with a door magnet that read on the drivers side.

I had to laugh, it couldn't have cost this person more than about 25 bucks, I thought to myself out loud -

...and then the driver walked out of the video store.

He was tall guy,

...and he had a head of hair on him that would not quit.

Me being bald,

...I had hair envy right away.

But what I noticed more than his hair was his Aura.

I saw it. And I felt it.

Yes, many of you, I notice those things about people.

He was connected to life and I knew it.

Right behind him in tow was his equal,

...he was HALF the drivers size in height and weight. But he too was connected to life!

They were HIGH.

But they weren't HIGH on drugs or alcohol, they were HIGH on life.

Within minutes we were in the middle of a conversation about the magnetic signs on the door and their business and we were discussing what they did for a living.

I was at a crossroad.

I was on the heels of what would be a brutal divorce as my soon to be ex wife and I tore a once beautiful family apart and divided up an estate and proceeded to ruin our two young boys lives for a while.

I needed something to do,

They were doing loans for people by getting them high dollar credit cards. I started doing what these two men were doing.

We were having a ball.

Then I came across the MCA industry in New York and we ended up becoming partners in a business together in the Merchant Cash Advance industry.

What a wild time it was.

It was the wild west and we were gunslingers just like the rest of the men and women in the industry as we got our start.

Tamid Malan and Son Vardy were their names and my partner Dennis Bromka and I had a ball with Tamid and Son.

...although it was short lived for whatever reason, is was lightning in a bottle!

Like many people in our lives we lost track of one another.

They were related as Tamid was dating Sons mother, so they never parted ways, but I had not heard from them in over 12 years, until today.

Today I got the news that Tamid Malan had died.

Something made me reach out to Son and he broke the news to me.

I've been crying and laughing since I got the news about an hour ago.

In fact,

I'm crying now as I listen to Bon Iver on YouTube and I write this.

Lately I've had a lot of loss in my life, include my 13 1/2 year old yellow lab.

We don't get over these things.

We just don't.

We get through them.

After having faced deaths door recently with my Cancer I can tell you all that for some reason I feel a connection with my loved ones in heaven.

I see their faces quite often the last year and I remember thoughts about them now and again and as crazy as it may seem, I actually feel we are communicating with one another.

The last HOUR or so, I can tell you all that I SEE Tamid's face and I hear his voice and I feel his Aura.

I'm not actually seeing him and hearing him with my physical body, I'm not going to lie to you, it's not that way.

But I'm telling you - spirit or my soul and his are in tune with one another and this has been one of the greatest hours of my lifetime.

I've cried and laughed and smiled and remembered the past.

I feel so grateful to be alive and have known this man, even though it was short lived.

He left a massive impression on me.

And according to Son, I left a massive impression on Tamid.

We were warriors once,

...sharing the battlefield of life, and I gotta tell whomever reads this, NEVER once did I have to look around to see if he had my back or not.

He was the type that had everyone's back!!! did Son.

R.I.P. Tamid Malan,

...until we meet in the afterworld my friend, love and kindness in your direction sir!


Sincerely and respectfully,

Bret R. Martin

CEO and Founder of Mom and Pop Business Funding

...and a better man for having known you Tamid.


1 Comment

Dec 03, 2024

There seems to be no way to contact you Bret. I called your phone you won't answer due to 7500 calls a day. I filled out the interest form with my email address and no one made an effort to contact me, and your site mentioned that someone would be contacting me via email. Contacting you via your blog is an attempt to get in touch with you. How am I to do business with you if you're impossible to reach? I'm motivated and ready to proceed. please drop me a line.

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